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model A generator problem


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I have a 31 A and a generator problem. I have had two gens rebuilt and bench checked at 10 ampd output. One had a new solid state cutout and the other had an old original cutout. I also just put in a -20/+20 ammeter. When on the car both spike the meter at 20+ amps with the slightest acceleration yet go to -10 amps as soon as the headlights are turned on. I was able to adjust (3rd brush) the one with the new cutout to put out 0 amps at idle but it still spikes immediately.

I suspect the new gauge is faulty and haven't checked the output at the generator yet and that will tell me a lot. I was tooo busy touring this month! The car ran well for a week on tour doing about 400 miles with no apparent damage to the battery by runnning for a while then turning on the lights for a while to prevent overcharging. It did act up badly one day coming home from tour when I suspect I had run the lights too long and discharged the battery too far.

thanks for the help!- Bill

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