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If it is an Apperson it's a rare photo. Not much on the web showing what they looked like pre 1915.

Too bad we can't just zoom in on that rad badge and get a difinitive answer. Definitely an Apperson jack-rabbit logo on the rad but not sure if it was added to the car because it looked "cool".

Apperson lost the brass style in around 1915 ( see http://www.paperboynews.com/inventorydetail.asp?number=010931 ) so the subject car has to be a 12 to 14, if indeed it is an Apperson. For comparison You can find a photo of a 12 Apperson at http://cgi.ebay.com/59-Detroit-MI-Charli...bayphotohosting Body is a pretty good match but the cowl is not quite identical and those marker lamps have gone electric, suggesting that it is in fact a 1914 model?


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