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new trransmission gears for 1916 jackson


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can anyone give me any ideas on who to contact to have new gears cutfor my Jackson ?. everyone i have talked to around mid michigan has said they dont have the tooling to cut the gears so the tools would first have to be made and then the gears cut for an extremely expensive price. any suggestions are greatly appreciated,

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Have looks for some used ones. Most Transmission of the day were

the same inside. I needed a 2nd gear for a 1916 Elgin.

I found a transmission for a 1918 Dort the outside case was different but the gears were the same. I ended up putting the whole gear set in my old case.

I ended up selling the cluster gear to a guy who need one for some other teens independent I cant remember the name of and it fit. So find out who made the transmission find out who else they made transmissions for and commit the looks of the gears to memory and start looking.

You would be surprised at was parts I modified and put in my Elgin to keep it running. I never found anybody at Hershey who said they had parts for an Elgin

but I bought a lot of parts that fit and Elgin at Hershey.

One other point if you have to have them made, "Do not Tell them it goes to a car? Tell them it goes to an old mill or something. When I was looking for a place to make a timing gear I only found 2 place capable of making the gear at over $1500 for the first one $200 for each after but neither place's insurance would allow them to make parts for planes, cars, motorcycles or trains.

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