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Room available in Batavia

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl


Well I am sad to say that it looks as though I will not be able to make it to Batavia. Therefore there is a room available at the new Quality Inn. Rooms there are expensive but I was able to get a special rate of $119. Yea I know, that doesn't sound too special does it. Their regular rates are from $139 and up though. So anyway if anyone needs a nonsmoking room for the 6th thru the 10th, PM me and I'll give you the reservation/confirmation number.

Now excuse me while I go cry and pout. crazy.gifmad.giffrown.gif

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Thanks guys, I was really looking forward to this years event and trying to find and meet up with as many of you as possible. Believe me I'm really bummed out about not being able to make it. I was so looking forward to Buttercup possibly winning an Archive Award before I start any major work on her. And the bad part is that it is due mainly to friggin work that I have to cancel. But looking at the bright side, this means I'll have the $$ I would have spent on that high dollar hotel and high ass gas prices to do some work on one of my girls.

Hopefully someone there at the event will have a digital and a laptop and can keep all us unfortunates informed as to what's happening.

Well, gotta go. I plan on spending the evening with my ol' buddy Johnny Walker. Haven't visited with him in a while and this is pretty good reason to I'd say. smirk.gif

BTW where is next years event anyway?

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Lamar, I too am sad you can't make it! But, I have a digital camera, and so does my sister, who did alot of the pics for the 2003 Centennial, and I will have the laptop! And I believe there is a high speed internet connection at the Quality Inn, so I will be posting pics probably every night.

I know about work demands, I missed taking the racecar to the employee show at the GM Tech Center this week, as well as, a 'mandatory' leadership meeting!

Next year's BCA Nats are in Rochester, MN, probably just a little bit further for you than NY! Now, put that toddie down and get to work on your Buicks!

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Guest imported_MrEarl

TTT Room still available . Out of fear of forgetting to cancel and being charged for it, I will probably cancel it tommorow night if no one needs it.

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