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I am about to move out of the country! I have beeen involved in classic cars for years. My delimma is I have a 24 buick speedster, that I am not willing to take out of the country. I have owned this auto longer than any vehicle I have ever had, 12yrs., I would like it to stay here, my financee in Sweden wants me to bring it there. I really want it to be here, and be driven in the USA. I love this car, but I think to many have left here already. I am hoping someone in the club would like to have this car, it comes with all the extra parts to build a 24 Touring. If anyone can help please e-mail soon or call. Mark Stryker, 260-745-2739, Lets not let another leave. Thanks guys, I love the forum and will stay in touch after I move. I am hardly ever in the country now, and can't find my sign-on.

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hello speedster,<BR>Taking the car to Sweden will give you the opportunity to put it in the worlds biggest yearly US car show over here,( 5000 vehicles) but besides that:<BR>1: If not for us europeans, most 4 door sedans and stationwagons would have been crushed, cause most american car collectors only like coupes<BR>2-full sized cars would be gone, ever see big Oldses, Cadillacs or other full size cars on a local cruise night??<BR>3-the very good examples of cars imported here in the seventies have already gone back to the US<BR>4-we have no pollution laws that give big companies the opportunity to get points by crushing old cars by the thousands, we clean up or crush the companies.<BR>5-all beforementioned points are a little exaggerated for the sake of argument....<BR>Have a good time in Sweden!

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Hi Speedster,<BR>I have been restoring my Grandfather's 24 6cyl model 45 for several years now.<BR>Where is your speedster & how much are you asking. I don't know if I NEED to buy another 24 but, it doesn't hurt to ask. If nothing else I'd like to see a picture of it.<P>Rob<BR>sweak@newnorth.net

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There are probably more American cars in Sweden than many people in the USA could suspect! In some cases, those people go to extremely involved design and engineering activities to convert a left hand car to right hand drive and do it so it looks absolutely like it was a factory built export model.<P>There also is a large number of Buicks in England and Europe too. If you do get the car over there, there will be activities to take it to display and enjoy it. <P>I have also heard stories of rare American collectible vehicles being dismantled so they can be shipped over there at lesser rates, but I don't recommend that at all!!!! One story was about pulling the engine out of a pristine Skylark so the shipping would be cheaper. Knowing how some things have tended to disappear during those sea voyages (even inside the sealed containers), it would be cheaper in the long run to ship the vehicle "assembled" and not have to deal with missing items later.<P>Perhaps our Past President, Mr. Brashares might have some information on those subjects? I suspect he's closer to the shipping business than most of us are.<P>I certainly appreciate your concerns regarding selling or keeping the car and hope you can reach a justifiable solution in the best interest of the vehicle.<P>NTX5467<P>Enjoy!<BR>NTX5467

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