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Heart broken


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Greetings Gang, John here in Des Plaines,IL.

Recently someone backed into our origional 36 Chevrolet master deluxe town sedan and we sustained a softball sized dent in our right front fender atop the wheelwell also when they hit us they cracked the driverside fender also.

The person who hit us has State Farm insurance.

I had my car appraised at 12,000.00 when I bought it.

We are worried about not being able to match the laqure paint. The car has its origional paint job(the first year Chevy used metallic paint) the color is Tampa Metallic and is 69 yrs old. State Farm has advised us in writing we have up to 1 year to find a restoration shop to due the work.

My questions are:

1) Has anyone had any dealing with State Farm Ins as being the claimant?

2) how is their reputation with handling claims we really want the car fixed.

3) does anyone know of a restoration shop in the Chicagoland area?

4) is anyone out ther still shooting laqure paint?

5) is it still available?

if anyone has any recommendation of a shop to use:

PLEASE email us at LLFD3@aol.com .

Thanks in advance for any help.

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I had State Farm for all my cars including my Buicks. I have since switched to Hagerty because of the cost.

But before I did, I sustained damage to my 1947 Buick. They were very helpful and after I paid the deductable, they covered everything.

I took my car, which had old paint, on it to a body shop that dealt with high end cars only. Mercedes, Porshes (I can't spell today) and other cars like that. He was able to match the paint exactly and it looked like it never had been hit. It probably helped that the owner of the shop had hot rods and his dad, who started the business, had 2 old cars too.

So, I think if you look around, you should be able to find who you need to paint your car.

I dont think they paint with Laquer anymore. In most states it is illegal due to the VOC emitted. Bill Hirsh in New Jersey still has some available last I heard.

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State Farm <span style="font-weight: bold">SUCKS</span> BIG TIME from my experiences. I had them many years ago and when I had a claim they lost my paperwork for like 10 days goofing around. Recently my daughter was driving the 73 Z-28 and some kid in a just restored old Mustang hit her- State Farm insurance. The dialogue with their people produced utter comtempt due to their ineptness and blasee attitude. It took about 10 weeks to settle. They couldn't even run the VINs correctly that proves my car is a Z-28 and not a standard Camaro (emblems were off at the time) so they decided to insult me with an ignorant offer to repair it. I needed to hire an independent appraiser to get it all solved long with our lawyer. WATCH STATE FARM!!!!

The good news is I took the opportunity to get the care done at a custom shop and it looks better than new with a complete make over.

Laquer can still be obtained in Mexico for sure along with R-12 over the counter. Matching/mixing for proper color I can't say what's involved. Wonder if Canada has the same quaint EPA laws as we do about certain substances? Maybe you could get it there.

Go to a car club get-together and ask the guys with the best paint jobs where to go in Chi-town for your car.

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I have been insured by State Farm for nearly 50 years and over 35 cars ranging from a 1939 Cadillac V-16 to my current collection plus family cars. I have never had a problem with the company, period! That includes claims against my collision insurance, comprehensive insurance and uninsured motorist insurance and other drivers liability insurance. I've also made claims against other companies and I can assure you that State Farm is one of the top companies in the nation in the way they handle claims. I'm sure there are people who have had problems with the company but I'm not among them. I have encountered some lazy and semi-competent State Farm agents over the years but the company itself is tops. Agents are easy to change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

have some info that may help. You said you had the car appraised check to see if the appraiser also does claim writing and have him write one for the damage most state farm writers have no idea how to write for that car. your appraiser may be able to write an independent est. for you and you can turn this into state farm for payment. I'm a shop owner in PA sorry im not closer to you that i could do the work hopefully this info can get you what you need and are entitled to to repair the vehicle back to preloss condition. Most shops today do not spray laquear paint most use a baseclear system and no matter how good the painter the match will not be the same the new baseclears have too much gloss that can not be reduced. Any other questions can be e-mailed [sharc@comcast.net)and i will try to answer them or help you any way i can . I will be out of town until march 8th but will reply as soon as i get back from florida, going to the aaca meet down there. Good luck and let me know if i can help.

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