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54-55 Heater hose clamps

Guest imported_MrEarl

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Guest imported_MrEarl

Are the 54-55 heater hose clamps meant to be able to be re-used. I have never been succesful at getting one of and being able to re-use it. These are the ones with the screw coming out from the front. Does anyone have a good OEM source for these?

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I had a hard time with the "kit" I got some time ago from one of the usual sources. The sizes I got were not working on my heater hoses. What the book says would fit did not work. I assume the wall-thickness used in making heater hose has changed over time. So beware of that.

I got the proper size Ken Johnson in Carnel, Indiana - 317-844-8154. Nice pieces, fast service, but brace yourself. He is expensive - but he does have a lot more odd sizes, and not just a "kit."

Happy wrenching,

Doug Cook

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I assume that you are talking about the 'tower top' clamps that the judges will be looking for although other type of clamps were used. There are reproductions out there but all I have seen have a hex/slotted screw which is different from the original that has a domed slotted screw head.

They are a 'beach' to get off intact, but I have had some luck by backing the screw out as far as it will go and and hammering (tapping?) down the tower to expand the clamp. Then I have the correct originals replated (zinc)....or buy the repros and install the correct screw. Replating is usually best since the finish on the repros will not last as long.

Hope this helps


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Guest imported_MrEarl

You're right Willie, they are a "beach". A "sunny beach" in fact! I was able to get one off intact but it's pretty badly rusted. I am ordering some stuff from Bob's, does anyone know what his is like. And yea, I always save the screws from anything, so I'll have them for swapping. Thanks for the info Willie!

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