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How is the view from the RV parking area at the end of the white field, and how do I go about reserving a spot if I wanted to park my RV or trailer?

I'm assuming it's for self contained units only.

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Tommy, if you can get in the White Field for camping I wouldn't worry about the view. I'd be more thankfull to have a place to camp that is yards away from the show and swap meet rather than miles away. If the property has a high spot or is paved, then the property will most likely be occupied by either a show car, or a vendor. As long as they don't tell you "Blue Field North" you may want to consider taking what you can get.

This isn't intended as a "jab" but if you've ever been to Hershey, you'll know what I'm talking about.

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Hi, Tommy...

I know the RV area you are inquiring about. This year, as all years, I go by it to park around the old farmhouse and barn. The RV area is directly across from the Roller Coaster and convenience store on the corner.

From what I saw, some RV's had shade, others did not. Not much of a view of the show from there, but, appeared to be a good area. Saw no RV's parked on a slope for what it is worth.

As for reserving a spot there, hop onto the Hershey Region website as they are the one's who can best answer your reservation questions.

On the main page, scroll down to Regions & Chapters on-line. They have a very nice website.


Peter J. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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Or, if you would like water, electric and sewer and hot showers call the Conewago Campground. It is clean and well run and nearby and there are backroads into Hershey that get you there fast. I know that because we have stayed there for years and for the last couple years they have had some open sites. Lots of them are shaded. And if you find a site you like, you get first dibs on it year to year with a deposit.

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Yeah I mispoke Tommy. I was referring to the space next to the White field. I don't know what you have in mind with your questions.

1. If you want to camp and have the convenience of being close to everything, the place in question is the best you're going to get.

2. If you want to camp where there are ammenities, it's going to require a great deal of walking just to get there, or you'll have to drive to the meet and then pay to park.

3. In the case of my dad and I, we have decided to bring a car to the show no matter what. We've found that it costs us only a few dollars more to bring a car to the show versus being a spectator, plus we're able to enjoy the convenience of being able to park (our tow vehicle and trailer) close to the swap meet. The few extra dollars that we spend has been well worth the convenience of getting around Hershey during the week.

4. I know I shouldn't say this, but being how it hasn't been policed, another option if for you to try to get a flea market space. That is as good or better than anything else you'll get at Hershey as well......As long as you don't end up in Blue Field North, the White Field, or whatever name they want to refer to that famous mudhole on Route 39.


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