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joe kastellic

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Joe: I have what you are looking for. One set of Packard TSB Service Bullitins for 1956 Packard model year will cost yuo $25.00 this includes shipping.. These copies are a number one copies crystal clear. If interested post your email address and I will be in contact with you.

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Joe: You asked where you could OBTAIN Packard TSB's for 1956. I appears after two emails to you and posting in here with no kind of responce from you, that you aren't interested. Which is fine with me, but you could have had the decency to

make a short reply to one of my emails, or make a post in here, SAYIN NOT INTERESTED.

I want to say THANK YOU to all those kind people that have purchased TSB's from over the last few years. How ever do the the hassle of copying them, and some past troulbe from one fellow, COPIES OF MY COLECTION OF TSB'S WILL NO LONGER BE OFFERED FOR SALE.

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Packard53, don't know but maybe you will hear from joe yet and he's not just ignoring you or the forum. Some people post and then don't check back for a week or have some emergency and can't get to the computer, at least that's been my experience.

Kind of frustrating when you're trying to help someone though. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> I hope you'll keep your info available.

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Just thought I'd let everyone know what a "hothead" Packard 53 is. After telling him that I was interested in a set of Service Bulletins, he emailed me that he was printing them up. Then I got another email two days later saying that the only payment he'd accept was a Postal Money Order. Well it isn't possible right now for me to out to get a money order (I would have been very happy to have paid by check or paypal and he could have held the bulletins until my check cleared.) I told him same and said I was sorry. Today I got a RANT from him calling me names, accusing me of cheating him, threatening me with telling everyone on the site what a cheat I am, etc. etc. If Packard 53 is going to be running a business of selling Service Bulletins (and I can see there would be a limited market for them), then HE needs to get organized and spell out the sales requirements up front, so the buyer knows what he is getting into. I've done a lot of buying on Ebay (including my Packard Executive) and am well familiar with the way sellers do business. I'm sorry that Packard 53 feels I somehow cheated him but I can't email him to straigten this out as he indicates he has put a block on my email address. I wish him well with his endeavors. I know everyone else I've dealt with here has been so helpful and up front, that i was truly amazed when I got this email calling me a "dirty little XXXXXXXXXXXX" and saying I "could have told him days ago that I didn't want his bulletins (which wasn't possible because he hadn't told me his payment policy) Again I'm really sorry for this situation and especially dealing with it here, but as I said he's blocked me from emailing him. Thanks.

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Fred: Please tell the whole story. I have no time to lead people like you by the hand and do thier thinking for them.

1. When ordering the TSB's you never asked in a return email what type of payment I would take for the TSB's.

2. The first thing this mornning I get an email from you. The first words are I cancell, then somethings about momies orders. Wouldn't have been better to say hey I can't pay by money order, would you except some other form of payment such as personal check, or money order.

3. Other people whom have ordered them have asked me if they could pay another way when I have requested a money order. In every case I have said yes and taken a person check from them.

4. When I have had private dealings purchasing parts and after closing the deal I have always asked what form of payment will you except. You failed to do that simple little thing. Now your are branding me a hot head because of your lack of

of being incapable of asking one simple question..

5. When making a post like you did and calling me a hothead and not telling the whole story and just telling your part of it, makes a dang mad.

6. One word of advice the next time you order something take the time and stop and do some thinking and ask questions before dealing whth a person. As I have stated is up to the person doing the ordering to ask the question and not up the vendor as far as I am concerned. I am no minder reader.

6 Now that you have branded me as hothead because of your inability to do some simple things on your own. The TSB"s are yours for a check payable to me for $ 35.00.

7. To every one else the price is $ 25.00 per copy per year requested. Method of payment will be talked about at the time of first contact

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I won't make this long and involved, then I won't respond again to any of your rants. I have NEVER made a purchase off the internet (including eBay where the seller didn't state up front what the payment arrangements were. I'd give you my eBay name, but I'm afraid of what you might post. I have ALL positive responses from sellers for fast payment. It's not because of "Mommy's orders" that I can't get out to get a postal money order, but because of health reasons. This site is not the place for us to carry out this matter. So, as I said I will not be purchasing anything from you and will not respond again to your posts. As I mentioned I am sorry you lost the "sale". Perhaps in the future you will be up front in what you demand as payment for your products.

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Fred: My so called rants and raves are the way I view things from my side of the fence. Iam no proffesional seller on ebay and do no such things as that. I I could care less what you ebay name is.

A simple email saying that you are house bound and would you except another form of payment besides a money order. The simple answer would have been YES.

Losing a sale doesn't bother one way or the other. Your email responce to me wasn't the way to handle the problem.

I am not a hard fellow to get along with when things are explained to me. Since you are unable to get out of the house because of health reasons. EMAIL ME WITH YOUR MAILING ADDRESS AND I WILL SHIP THEM TO YOU. THEY ARE YOURS FOR FREE NO CHARGE

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