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im about to begin building a CAI/RAM air in a few mins, any suggestions on moving the wiper fluid and relay box out of the way so i can get the biggest possible piping space to get the best possible air?. im going to try to use 3 inch pipes, anyone think thats too big or have a better suggestion? if all goes well ill see if i cant build another pipe to run from the opposite side of the grille to the airhose and have like a dual intake nextweekend

the exhaust comes maybe the next weekend.

had a stray thought

if an intercooler makes air for a turbo cold to make it run better, and the reatta has piping for an intercooler, would it be possible to make an intercooler cool air for the engine?

well that it for now and since you can tell i really dont know much about cars, if it sounds like a really stupid idea tell me why and educate me

thanks in advance

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Guest Buick Mike

An intercooler takes hot air from the turbo and cools it to, at best, ambient air temp (assuming an air/air intercooler). If you suck your air from outside of the engine compartment it will already be ambient air temp. It's as cool as it's going to get.


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As long as you keep the tubing smooth and no sharp turns, 2"-2.25" pipe will be all a 3800 will ever need. 3" won't hurt but it will not help either.

Unless you want to pipe the a/c to an intercooler, it is not going to be of any help to a N/A engine. In fact if the air is too cool and gets close to the dew point and auchient problem called "carburator icing" (why you need manifold heat in some climates) may become a problem.

Boosted engines need intercoolers to avaid detonation because of the inverse of Gay-Lussac's Law (the exercise is left to the student).

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add water??

i am sure i remember someone recently saying something about adding an intercooler for some reason and saying that the piping was already there

wow, well that solves the intercooler question. i got a few things moved around today but didnt make any major progress, i know where i think that i am going to fun the filter from but i had some difficulty trying to get the filter there. one of the mounts for the gaurd that goes to the front of the car is in the way and it looked removable i just didnt have the tools or smarts to get at it. ill see if i cant get the camera out and take a pic, im sure someone knows how to take this thing apart, im gonna try and do some more on friday when i have both toolkits around, tomarrow is warped tour, noon to midnight at the orlando fairgrounds, a twelve hour punk rock concert sure will be great

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