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16 way seat


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i am looking to go out to all the loocal and near junk yards to try and find an additional seat to use for my passengers side, i dont think ill find a good one with intact leather and the right color, would it be realistic to have the covers removed and put on to the new seat?? also, if i can get this is it going to be a beast to get the wiring all correct so that the thing functions right?

i remember seeing a few people say that they had mad conversions to both seats and that it was possible, just looking for a little guidance

thanks in advance

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You did not specify your objective. Is the passanger seat bad and you just want to replace? Are you trying to put a 16 way drivers seat on the passange side?

The Riviera, Toronado, and probably the Eldorado will fit but have the wrong upholstery pattern and probably the wrong colors.

If you try and put a drivers seat on the passanger side, the controls will be against the console and will need to be moved for clearance. The lumbar, tilt and thigh function just require 12V and ground as their controls are on the seat.

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ok, my objective is to find a 16 way power seat to replace my passenger seat

i dont really worry about the overall condition of the leather or whatnot because im thinking i will see if the leather on my current seat can be transferred, its in pretty good shape. so im looking for th other serat and i know im going to have to reverse the control box i was wondering what wiring issues would arise, thanks for your help with the power and cars list

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I have installed 16 way seats on the passenger side on a couple of Reattas and there are no wiring changes required except to transfer the switches to the right side of the seat. I believe that electrical connectors for 16 way seats were supplied in all vehicles. Some Rivieras came originally equipped with 16 way passanger seats.

If your car came originally equipped with 16 way, then you can change the passanger seat frame with a fully motorized frame from the drivers side of another Reatta or Riviera and re-install your original seat covers. Be careful because there are several different seat types. The frames from seats with reversable velcro covers are different from the ones that are not reversable. The switch box will hide the small hole that is in the cover where the single switch was removed. Also, If your car did not come with 16 way seats, then the bolster is different, and the bottom cover will not fit the 16 way seat.

If you want it to look completely original then you will have to change the bottom cover with one that has the piece of loose leather that covers the gap between the seat and the bolster. Or add your own.

The trick to removing the headrest is that you need to push in the small release with an awl located at the bottom of each support rod. The covers are held on with hog rings and metal rods.

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