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camshaft wanted to buy or trade/info needed


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I am in need of a used camshaft core for a performance regrind job for a 1941 Buick 248 engine. The cam must be in decent shape so that it can be reground. I have a newly reground cam for the same that is to stock specs that I would be willing to sell for $65 plus a good used core if someone is in need of a stock reground cam. I'm sure other years would work but it must be a cam for mechanical lifters. Does anyone know the years that will interchange with the 1941 cam?

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NO The 60-70-80 series camshafts will not interchange with a 248 engine unless you caut about 3" off them. the 320 engine is longer.

I believe you can use any special or super camshaft. Since you are having a "custom' gind done it will not matter if you use a hyd lifter cam or a mech lifter cam. The cam differece between the two is the lobe profile that you will be changing anyway.


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Thanks for the info, guys. I have since found out that the cam I have is an NOS cam, not reground. A very rare find, I think. I have put it on Ebay hoping to sell it to pay for my performance regrind.

Now, I need to find someone who can do the regrind. I was told Egge could do it, but I called and they said stock only. I have found someone who can do it if I can give them the specifications. I tried Isky and was told to contact Ron himself, but that has been nearly impossible to do. Anyone have any sources or specs they can send my way? It seems like there must be an NOS aftermarket cam out there somewhere, but I have turned up nothing thus far.

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