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Complaint about Kanter

Guest DaveZZZ

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Guest imported_DaveZZZ

Just wanted to gripe.

I ordered a pile o' stuff from Kanter last summer, and thanks to the house painting project consuming much more time than expected, I am finally getting around to installing some of it. I realized that one small item did not come with the order.

Four times in the last three two days I have tried to call them, and the same thing happens every time. The phone tree directs me to "1" for sales or customer service. When I press 1 I get sales, to whom I explain the situation. They say, "Ok, I'll transfer you to customer service." At this point, the phone will ring many, many times, before someone will eventually pick up. I explain again (thinking that this is customer service), and they again tell me that they will have to transfer me to CS. The phone will again ring many, many times before I give up.

At first I thought maybe the CS person was away from the phone, but this KEEPS happening, and the calls are all quite a time apart.

I thought that these guys were suppossed to be great, but there are other places to get ball joints and brake lines.

The thing is, we're only talking about the metal ring that keeps the rubber boot on a ball joint, probably a 59 cent part that I'd even have paid for, since I did take 8 months to realize it is missing. But I am SOL without it, and I can't get it if they don't answer the stupid phone.


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No matter how busy you are you need to always check your orders for these type of mistakes, they happen. Especially if they are going to sit longer then a month. Their phone system and the persons answering them don't sound to organized however it comes down to you not checking your order in a timely manner. Kanter is typically very good.

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Guest DeSoto Frank


Keep trying...(I know it's frustrating)

I got one of their front-end kits for my '41 De Soto this fall, and it was a week or so after delivery that I finally opened the box, and in checking through things realized that the king-pin set was short two needle bearings...

I called the sales dept (had my invoice handy) and the clerk checked-into it, and in two days, I had the missing bits...

They made good for me...hope they will for you too! smile.gif

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Guest imported_DaveZZZ

I am happy to acknowledge that I should have paid closer attention to what I received. I'm not particularly bent out of shape over the error, I opened the box at the time, installed the desperately needed wheel bearing, and thought that the plastic bag with the castle nut and cotter pin also contained the ring. But that all has nothing to wi with the fact that they won't answer the darn phone, which is the real complaint.

PS- called again this morning, only this time the sales dept didn't answer.

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Guest imported_DaveZZZ

Ok, Dan Schorr gets his slot on the enemies list back. I finally got them, and they were happy to send me the part gratis.


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With the recent trend to "outsource" customer service, you were most likely trying to reach someone in India. Best to try calling then in the middle of the night, our time. Then, be prepared to try to work with an associate who will have difficulty understanding your problem and communicating a satisfactory solution. Just an observation from some recent personal experience. mad.gif

Bill Boudway

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i have had i problem with the first order i had, with a broken piston ring and they sent anothe one right away, no problems, and i still do a lot of business with them.

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Guest cnbed

Just a quick note - Everyone who works at Kanter Auto Products works in New Jersey. And, if nobody answers the phone, you should be able to leave a voice-mail message on the CS phone line.

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