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24T42 is Sick


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you everyone again for the cards and prayers that are still finding me. I can not tell you how appreciated they are.

Although I have been home for 3 weeks, progress on the road to recovery is v-e-r-y slow. My system is having a hard time getting back to normal after all the IV's, steroids, and etc. I received in the hospital. But I an not complaining, each day I can see some improvement and hopefuly before long I will be back to normal - whatever that may be shocked.gif Heck - I just unpacked my Philly suitcase a minute ago.

If you sent me an email recently - don't despair an answer in coming. I am running a little behind in answering as I only log on for about 1/2 hour per day. And for an Internet junkie like me, that is not long.

See 'ya in cyberspace.

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