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Meet Registration

Olds 442

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Olds 442...

Good question. I will contact PeterG and see if there is a time frame.

I know the Internet Comittee is in the process of revamping the site.

I'll get back shortly.

Regards, Peter J.

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Olds 442...looking forward to meeting you at the AGNM.

In the interim, you can go to the AACA site, scroll down on the right, click Regions/Chapters On-Line. Scroll down to the Lake Erie Region. Therein, you will see the AGNM icon. At least for now you can make reservations, get insight to the locale, etc. Meet schedule is also listed.

Regards, Peter.

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Olds 442...

Received a response to your query from PeterG and he indicated he is not involved with this project. It will be back on-line "possibly" next week from what he has been told, however, as I mentioned previously, the Internet Comittee, also, new Executive Director, the Holidays, etc., mandates patience. Obviously, there are changes being made, of which, we must be patient.

Being a Moderator, I am not involved with the above projects. One thing I feel confident in stating from what I have been told, is, all of us will have plenty of time to register for the AGNM, or, other future meets in an expedient manner very soon.

These folks are working harder than most of us realize to improve this forum and the AACA site, not to mention, the club in general...

SalG probably is the person who could better answer your concerns. Hopefully, he can clear the air as he is Admin.

Regards, Peter J.

Hang in there...

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I already have my room at the host hotel and have checked out the Lake Erie site.Just wanted to get the registration done as soon as possible. This will be my first AGNM and I'm a little nervous.I hope to do well but I'm also looking foward to meeting new people and seeing some great cars!

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Hi, Ted...

Doubt anyone could answer that until closer to the meet date. No one has even registered yet. I have seen AGNM's attendance anywhere from the 300-550 range. I would guess Buffalo would be in the 450-550 range.

Regards, Peter J.

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Olds 442...

Sorry, thought SalG, being Admin, could help out...

Now I don't know what Admin means...confusing. The Website is set up as we see it, so, I cannot fathom that there are any other heavy workloads to warrant "Admin work". (Sal has posted in the past that he was busy doing Admin work, so, I thought he would be the source to answer your query.) Moderating is about the only other function, of which, is nothing more than filing posts to their proper section, and, editing within reason to keep the Forum on-track. The National Internet Committee are the true "Admin", and, again, is in the process of revamping this site, as well as the AACA site.

Well, I guess the best thing to do is wait for the "insert" from National that is enclosed within the AACA Magazine for meet registration. This is what all of us do. You will have plenty of time.

Regards, Peter J.

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Dear Olds442,

Peter H. is right, the website ifself is going to have some major changes coming up. As for when the AGNM info will be going up, I can not say at this time. However, I can tell you that information concerning meets will be posted on the internet much faster than in the past. We have several national events coming up before the AGNM, keep watching as they unfold.

Janet R.

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