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Any of you still get excited on Christmas day?

Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

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Guest SalG (Sal Grenci)

I still do! My wife always seems to come up with just the right thing. My family gets together xmas eve (a big Italian thing with fish of all kinds) and open our gifts. We put a lot of thought into it since the year when it seemed like everyone gave gift cards/certif's. <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Unfortunately, I have had to work so many Christmases (18 of the last 24) that it has become just another day to me. I'm at the point in seniority that I could take vacation and get it off if I wanted to, but with two young family men on the crew, I don't feel right taking Christmas away from them. (Of course, that doesn't stop them from arguing between themselves over who gets it!)

That said, I'm in more of a Christmas spirit this year than I've been in some time. Even put the lights on the house this year, and all I'd done the last few years were door wreaths. Christmas cards will go out tomorrow.

I remember one year my Grandma got handbags from all her children and several of the grandchildren. We gave them to Goodwill the year she died at age 97.

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My brother has 7 kids and 15 grandchildren we share Christmas with, so that's pretty darn fun. I love to see the little kids open their gifts. His place (VERY small) is a madhouse for a couple hours, but i's wonderful! If everyone is there it's 31 people.

Then we're off to my other brothers where it's just the 4 of us. Calmer, but just as fun. This year his daughter will be there too I hope. His son and grand kids live a few hundred miles away, so we seldom see them at the holidays.

Then there is my Better 7/8s family. Only about 10 or 12 people there, but they're all goofy as all get out at the holidays, so it's something we really look forward to.

We even manage to sneak a few minutes at home for just the two of us (we have no kids) to exchange a few gifts.

My Better 7/8 loves Christmas and starts shopping for the next year right after the new year begins.

Life is good! smile.gif

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That Rocking Boat is great! I bet your Granddaughter loves it.

I built my youngest neice a rocking horse when she was four, now her little four year old daughter is rocking on it. Kinda warms my heart to see that smile.gif

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