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Battery Heat Shields

Bill Stoneberg

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While wandering through the junkyard the other day, I cam across the remains of a Buick front end. It still had from the A post forward minus the sheet metal and anything that would identify a year. But it looks close to my 50. Anyway laying on the ground was a battery holder with what I would refer to as a Heat Shield. A big sheet of metal it looks like to help protect the battery from heat.

Is this for real ? Did the car actually have them back then ? I never had seen one before but it looked like a real one.

Any ideas or does anyone have one on their car ?

I picked it up just in case.

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Guest imported_JPIndusi

I have a battery heat shield on my 1948 Special 2 door Sedanet. I located one from a fellow who sells Buick parts. Name escapes me now. What I would like to know is what years they were used on.

By the way, the placement of the battery and starter on the Buick straight eights is optimal from an electrical point of view. No long cable runs and the battery is on the side that is cooler compared to the exhaust manifold side.


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Hi Bill

The heat shield you are refering to , dose it have top that sits on the oblong 6 V battery, and a hole at each end for long bolts to anchor battery down to battery plate.

And the shield you were refering to would be the length of the battery.

These were used from 1939 through 1950 or 52.

Jim Schilf


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Hi Bill

Just another part lazy mechanics never returned to car after servicing, replacing batter.

Like the spark plug cover, timing hole covers,(have you ever seen one). The battery hold downs rusted easily from battery acid. Bob's Automobilia has the correct rubber bushings and the long battery bolts.

Jim Schilf


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