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89 Crackling Radio


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My radio most of the time has decreased volume and a popping/crackling sound coming out of the speakers. This happens whether I'm moving or not and sometimes it sounds fine. Is this the dreaded capacitors? Or is it something else? If it's the radio, any suggestions of where to send it or take it (I'm in San Diego, CA)?


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I see this is your first post, so welcome to Reatta's place on the "web". I'm sure you will find a lot of good information here along with some very nice people. My first thought, is not the radio, but the speakers. I would have a look at those first. Bad speakers will cause the sounds you have mentioned. Are you sure that the noise you are hearing is coming from all speakers, or just one? If they are making the same noise at the same time, then I feel the radio is to blame. The speakers however are more prone to failure than the radio. Howard

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I drove the car today first with the volume all the way down and periodically it would crackle then I turned the volume up and 90% of the time it was fine. This is a lot better than normal when it crackles most of the time. Could it have anything to due with the weather (today it was overcast and sprinkling)? Any further thoughts of the culprit?


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