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Ignition Switch Problem


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I'm having problems with my ignition switch in my '89. For as long as I've had the car, the key would come out of the ignition in any position. Once the switch was out of the lock position, the key really isn't even needed. I never really worried about it because once the switch was in lock position, the wheel locked and the car couldn't be started. Well, now the switch will not go into the lock position, it won't go past the acc. position, which of course is killing my battery. I ordered a new switch for 30 bucks and started researching the discussion board this morning. I didn't find the exact same problem, but some similar and it appears that changing this thing may be more complicated than I thought. I figured I would need a wheel puller, and another post said I needed a "lock plate depresser".....I don't even know what the hell that is. Does anyone have any more detailed instructions or advice or would anyone have this part of a service manual that I could use ?


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How worn are you Keys? When the keys wear out the brass goes into the lock and jams the tumblers up.

You might try a SMALL amount of wd-40 to loosen up the crud. Remember what every you put in there will run down the steering column on to the floor.

I fix this problem all the time with our trucks by spraying the inside of the lock with wd-40 then washing it out with brake cleaner and compressed air. Relube with special lock lube.

I like it that I can take the key out of the lock.

If you take the wheel off make sure you get it back on right or have somebody do it Right. Steering failures are pretty bad.

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First you need to know whether the problem is the key tumbler which is in the column or the switch which is mounted on top of the column near the firewall - a long rod connects the two.

I would suggest disconnecting the rod at the switch first and see if the key still does not rotate (but suspect it will, if it rotates at all it should go all the way).

Inition switch is item 81 in the attachment.

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Guest EDBS0

The first thing that I would do is get a new key cut. Solved my similar problem. Worked for me and as a first step it is chesp!

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