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Life's been good....


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OK, so after the 2000 mile move, moving into my new space (which is still without a real desk, so I am writing this with keyboard on lap on a metal chair I found in the alley), school is starting (finally), and football season is starting (thank god), and in one week I'll be 30 (egads!), with all these changes in mind, I've made the shop manual easier for all you windoze users.

I certainly appreciate the few of you who have linked to the manual..

So, to get smaller, and .ZIP friendly .PDF copies of the 1990 Reatta Shop Manual, please follow this link:


Take care from deep in the heart of Northern Texas where is hasn't been under 100 since I got here,


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Thanks for all the work and hopefully the tale is in the end state. Helm still does not have the paper 1990 Service Manual which is good for us.

I have lived in Texas several times in the past, all in the Dallas-San Antonio corridor. Around 1979 I remember Ft. Worth having ten days straight over 110F (but its a dry heat <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> ). Was changing a head gasket on an Astre and noticed tools in the garage were quite warm to touch - was over 120F in there and I had not noticed.

Here in Florida at 92F it is perspiration rolling off *hot*. The good news is that a/cs work better at 92F/92% than at 102F/2% (but swamp coolers are effective and cheap when the humidity is low).

Is the Giant Armadillo still knocking off beer trucks ?

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I'm not here to grab any glory, just set the record straight.

Mcrispin's files, the cd's that were being sold at Flint are in fact all the same files. I scanned the manual and have been giving away copies on cd. Mcispin ( with a Mac ) posted them on the UK site in Mac sit format ( Mac's version of zip ) this was where his conversion was, the cd has them in pdf. The cd contains the entire manual (63 meg) and another copy broken down into more manageable chunks for web use. If anyone is interested in the cd with FSM, P&I ( coupled with the FSM an almost complete knowledge base ), various scanned Reatta ads and miscellania, Reatta pix, usually a rock video or two to fill out the cd. Send me a private message on this board, I'll give you my mailing address. You send me a blank cd, your return address and return postage ( <span style="font-style: italic">total</span> under $5 ). I will burn the cd and have it in the mail back to you the day after I receive it. For the little cost involved folks with any year will find the P&I (covers 86 - 93) a very usefull piece of reference material. Mcrispin does deserve his share of glory for taking the risk of posting it without GM authorization. My rationalization for sending out cds is they are my offsite backups so are legit withing copywrite laws. With my method of send a cd and return postage assures that I am making no money on them so GM can't make a fuss about me profiting on their material. If you want the manual by all means download it ( with high speed connection ). If you want the whole ball of wax, send me a blank cd.

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Hopefully the next step will be the TSBs as soon as I can cull the Reatta suff out of the three inches per year (2.3 Skylarks are not very interesting).

And maybe "section 8" for '88, '89, & '91 (electrical and where most of the differences in each year are - of course is about an inch by itself).

An assembly manual would be nice (the Lansing shop had to have some instructions) but my Holy Grail is still the memory maps for the ECM and BCM.

As usual though am off to the airport again in a few hours...

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In the misc folder on the cd there are some (600k) of the TSBs. Rather unorganized, but readable. If your cd doesn't have them let me know and I'll get them too you. Once you have culled out the Reatta stuff, send it my way and it will be scanned and returned. Back to the glory issueing, RawjaNYC deserves his share for lending me the P&I to scan and several of the magazine articles and miscellania.

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