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Fake rivet for fender iron

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I have taken the fender iron mounts off of a fender for a 1911 Brush and need to re rivet them. I would love to use like a carriage bolt with the top ground to look a bit better and the shoulder gone, is there any such product manufactured or is it something where I would just have to sit down with a lath and make the 12 bolts or so I need.



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This  may work. Threaded rivet page 38.



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Google "truss head rivets". 

Although, for a few of my early model T fenders, I did use carriage bolts after die grinding off the square corners and cutting off the threaded area. I dimpled a scrap piece of oak wood to cradle the head. Then with the fender and bracket (first coat) painted and bolted together, one bolt at a time I replaced with a modified carriage bolt (having guessed at how much of the shank would be needed), carefully heated the shank only to red hot and hammered it to a nice round mound of appropriate size. Being careful, only minor damage was done to the paint. That first coat provides protection between the fender and bracket. Minor touch up and final painting made the fenders look just right!

I was too cheap to buy the truss head rivets.

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