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Knox Factory event Springfield, Ma.

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The event planned for May has been postponed. Updates will be provided when known.


Knox Factory Springfield, Ma.


After a long preservation project, there will be a ribbon cutting event at the refurbished Knox Factory building coming up this May. Owners of Knox automobiles can contact me for details if you would like to bring your Knox to display. Gregg 508.320.8876 

Edited by Gregg Anderson
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Knox built a tough little car.   Winner of the 1993 Great American Race, a 1910 Knox Raceabout.  The 4250 mile annual event

was won by husband and wife team of Alan & Mary Travis of Phoenix, AZ.   It was their second attempt in that car after finishing

second in the 1991 Norfolk to Seattle Race, (4280 miles)

Interesting side note about that race: (1991)  I was a competitor in that race too and saw them unload the car from their open trailer

in the pit area of the Norfolk VA start.   They had driven thru the rain in Texas to get there and when they started the car, it hydro-

seized the engine from water that had entered a cylinder thru a spark plug hole.   It collapsed and broke a connecting rod which

punctured a hole in the oil pan.   YIKES !   I was standing right there, and it was a sound you would never wan to hear.

With the help of his former Navigator, Wayne Stanfield, they fixed and patched the Knox and were competitive all the way to Seattle

and finished second behind Frank & Ray Currie in his 1919 Packard Speedway Racer. 


    This is the kind of experience the Great Race provided me for 11 years.   I still miss the cars and the people, 40 years later.

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