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Where can I find a crome key-hole cover for my trunk???


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This seems rare but the Reatta I bought last summer is missing the crome key-hole cover to the trunk. It has tape over it now to keep water out and from shorting the electric trunk release. Just wondered if there was an easy place to find on before I start looking in scrap yards. Someone at Auto Zone I would have to find one off another Reatta but I think I could find one form another more common model car. I think my old 88 Buick Skyhawk had the same size covers. I don't know how you would even get one off in the first place without bending it. Do I have to get riiped off by a dealer or is there another place to finde this?

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This is a fairly common problem. I purchased a car with the cover missing and spent hours/days trying to find the parts or someone that knew what it would take. The GM dealer only wanted to replace the entire lock and then was not sure it was available, then you have a different key. I went to four lock places before one was willing to help.

The problem is the cover is attached with small indentations on the sides, if the key is used, over time it pulls the cover off the lock and the parts get lost. The correct cover is black. There are three parts needed.... the "shutter", the "cap" and two small springs.

I have made up kits that include all the parts plus instructions that clearly tell you how to install the parts. The kit is $9.00 and that includes shipping

At this time I have two kits but can order the parts to make more if there is a continuing demand. To get the parts at a reasonable price, I must order ten of everything.

Send me an email if you need a kit....Barney@texas.net

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Guest Reatta1

Mine kept coming off when the key was used to open the trunck. I'd just push it back on. The last time it happened however, I used a small punch to make the three dimples more pronounced and now it won't go back on. Mine is chrome also.

I'd be interested in one of those kits myself.

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The two I had sold immediately........ should have more parts today for kits.

If you want a kit, do not post it here. Send me a note. Or better yet, send a letter with your check. I have no secretary to keep track of who ordered and paid or ordered and didn't pay.

If your Reatta has a chrome lock cover, it has already been replaced by someone that did not know or care what it was supposed to look like.

As as indicated in one of the notes, the problem is the original part was not "staked" properly and use of the key causes it to pull loose. Then you loose the two springs inside and it never works properly after that.

My kit contains a detailed written instruction (with sketches) on how to do the repair. With basic tools, you kid could do the job. It is just a pain because of all the parts that must be removed to do the job properly. Allow at least one hour.

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