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Anlyone know of a miracle odor remover?


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Okay, experts; need your advice. Anchovy oil got spilled on one of the sheepskins (don't ask how); smells to high heaven. I've heard in the past of miracle stuff that removes even the worst smells. Any suggestions before I have to remove the skin to have it drycleaned or, worse, replaced?


<span style="font-weight: bold">-- ALF </span> and his friend Jerry

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Try and get as Much of the stuff out, with some oderless mineral spirits. You can get it from a carpet cleaner. Or I will send you a little bottle.

Then use the magic stuff, then the ozone Machine.

Hope you are feeling better.

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Used the ExStink as directed ($10 for the stuff; $25 for overnight shipping). Took away maybe 90 percent of the smell -- but the remaining 10 percent is still overwhelming. The search continues....

<span style="font-weight: bold">-- ALF</span> and his clumsy friend Jerry

P.S. Most interesting part of the ExStink claim is that it's endorsed by the Los Angeles Coroner's Office for use on decomposing...oh, never mind.

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Enough, enough! Just threw away $350 worth of sheepskins. Pulled 'em, took 'em to the dry cleaners with my problem -- and the guy yelled, "Get those stinkin' things outta here!" Tried the ozone machine as well as several other remedies suggested by Home Depot and our carpet cleaners. The oil had gotten into the leather sheepskin backing; no redemption. Fortunately, nothing penetrated that leather to get into the seat leather, so virtually all of the odor went with the 'skins. New 'skins ordered; thanks for all suggestions.

Note to that handsome Idle Swede: Don't blame the ALFster, Sven; it was the clumsy Irisher who dumped the can on the seat.

<span style="font-weight: bold">-- ALF</span> and his recently deodorized friend Jerry

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Guest imported_walt in ciniti

Now that the sheep skins are gone, why not put in cat skins. Think of the color combinations avaible.

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