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1937 Buick restoration

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Hello I inherited my dads 1937 Buick 4 door phaeton convertible.  It’s 90% complete.  I am familiar with some Buicks but not this one.  I was wondering if anyone knows who specializes in these cars.  I live in Southern California and I be honest I don’t trust leaving this car with just anyone.  This car means so much to me and I would love to finish it for my dad.  If anyone has information it would really help.  Thank you 





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Welcome to the AACA Discussion Forum. If you are looking for a professional who specializes in Buicks to finish the restoration, Pete Phillips in Texas or Doug Seybold in Ohio come to mind. I am not personally familar with restoration shops in California. I would suggest you join the 36-38 Buick Club. http://www.3638buickclub.org/. Since you don't have enough posts here to send me a private message on the forum, if you will contact me via the contact the webmaster link on the 36-38 Buick Club website, I will be happy to send you a .pdf sample issue of the club newsletter. I can refer you to some fellow 36-38 Buick Club members in California who might know of a shop closer to you that they would recommend.  

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A remarkable blog on a restoration of a 37 Buick 2-door was posted on this forum 5 or 6 years ago with lots of detail. It seems that your car is well on its way to completion.


You’ve come to the right place, there are a lot of knowledgeable people on this forum.

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