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Just One Device Logged In?

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So I went ahead and changed my password to something more secure and maybe a bit easier to remember ahead of the March changeover.  In doing that a nuance developed for me.  I have two devices I use to access the forum, both are Apple IPads.  The strange thing that has happening since my password change is that it seems only one Ipad at a time can be logged in to the forum even though I check the remember me box when I log in on both.  Before the password change both IPads would stay logged in.  I don’t normally log out as my IPads are not shared with anyone. 

So the question is, just one device can be logged in at a time for a user or is this something unique to Apple products?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Update- so it looks like it’s a one device at a time for my situation.  As long as ipad “A” is signed in, it stays signed in until I log in with iPad “B” then A drops out and B continues to be signed in until the next time I log in with “A”.  Not a big issue for sure.  In all cases the remember me box is checked.

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