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oil pump and cooling circuit <<CORRELATION


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i have a little problem


sometimes i have pression in cooling circuit

in the top hose there is pression (hard hose) and when I gently open the radiator plug it evacuates through there...


and sometimes i listen crack....???!!!


i don't understand


is it a problem of oil pump for EXAMPLE ? is there a correlation between this pump and the engine ?


IF someone has an idea...;) other problem?



Edited by cquisuila (see edit history)
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Hello, Philippe!


What you see is normal operation for the Riviera.


The radiator cap holds pressure in the cooling system when the engine is hot. When you open the cap you release the pressure.


The next time my wife and I visit France, I will stop by and talk to you about Rivieras and your car. I think it will be May 2022.


Have a wonderful New Year!

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Hello Jim


I live IN west south in France - city of MONT de marsan 40000 AND i will receive you and your wife if you pass


It will be with great and real  pleasure :):)


Have a wonderfull new year 2022 !



Edited by cquisuila (see edit history)
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