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Bugle Mailing

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Courtesey of Ernest Broennle, Mail Unlimited:<P>How does your mail get to you? This is a very good question. One that is especially interesting as you are waiting for your much-awaited Buick Club Bugle. Here is some insight into the mailing process and the USPS delivery of your periodical.<P>Every month the Buick Club member database is updated for membership renewals, for new members, for lapsed subscribers, and for changes of address. Once the updates are completed, the data is split by each member's delivery selection, which is chosen during new membership or subscription renewal. This work is completed prior to receipt of the actual magazine. Once the magazine arrives the final data work is completed. For the domestic periodical mail, the outer cover of the magazine is addressed. For First Class, the magazine is inserted into an envelope. Then the outer envelope is adddressed. The finished pieces are packaged and delivered to the USPS. Mail Unlimited operates on a 3-5 day turnaround, starting from the receipt of the Bugle from Baker Press, and delivers all these pieces to the USPS the same day.<P>What do these different delivery options mean?<P>Domestic Frist Class: The same delivery standard that you personally see when sending letters with a 34 cent stamp. Usually a 3-5 day delivery door to door. This is the highest priority that the USPS provides.<P>Is this the fastest delivery? Usually. Does the USPS guarantee delivery time? Absolutely not. Is there a recourse for lost mail? No. Is it expensive as compared to Periodical Mail? Yes<P>Periodical Mail: A special class of mail (commonly known as Second Class) and is different than bulk mail. This means that the USPS does treat magazines and other periodicals with a higher priority than bulk mail, but not faster than First Class. This mail is put in specially marked containers and labeled as periodical mail so that it is easily recognized during processing. The USPS processing requirement is within 2 days at each USPS handling facility-quite a bit slower than First Class.<P>Misconception: First Class mail is handled much better than Bulk. Not really true anymore. All pieces that go through the USPS are processed in an automated environment.<P>Both First Class and Periodical mail delivery time is highly dependent on the origin and destination of the mail. Since September, 2000, the Bugle has been mailed from Orlando, Fla. Prior to then, the Bugle was mailed from San Diego, Ca. It makes snse that the delivery times to the west coast have gone up, and down for the east coast.<P>If you want the Bugle within a week (and are willing to pay the additional cost) of the mail date, First Class mail is the only way to get quicker receipt of your magazine, on a consistent basis. But don't look to the United States Post Office for guarantees!<P>Ernie Broennle<BR>Information Services<BR>Mail Unlilimited<BR>407-657-9333 x 225<P>Thanks Ernie.

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Ok, now tell me when the Bugle was mailed the sloooooow way to Newark, Delaware. It is the 25th day of April and it has not arrived as yet!!!! Mailings from California didn't take this long!!! How many other members are still waiting for theirs?? <P>Chuck mad.gif" border="0

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GOT MY BUGLE!!! I also voted...I really don't know any of the people running for the board, but I really appreciat the opportunity to read what they wanted people to know about themselves. Ken Liska was VERY helpful in getting three of the four issues I did not get due to mail, moving and new publisher problems. He definitely went out of his way and made a new member... "me" ... feel important enough to give me more than just the time of day. I said it before Ken, "THANK YOU!" cool.gif" border="0 and good luck on your quest to stay on the board, you got my vote! grin.gif" border="0

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Attention BCA Members Who Have NOT Received Their April Bugle:<BR>After discussion with President Jeff, it was decided that delivery of a replacement Bugle would be expedited quicker if you contacted the Buick Bugle Office directly. If you have not received your April Bugle by now, please call or fax 407-296-3247 or email to buickbugle@thebakerpress.com. Indicate your name, BCA #, and complete address, and tell them you have not received your Bugle.<BR>A list of replacement Bugles will be forwarded to the firm tallying the ballots, so you will be assured your votes will be counted.<P>Ken Liska<BR>BCA Board Member

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I e-mailed the Baker Press on 5/1 about not receiving my April issue of the Bugle. I promptly received a replay from Robert Snowden on 5/2 saying another was being mailed. That did happen on 5/2 and I received it Saturday, 5/4.. Great service.<P>Now about voting.... No ballot within the Bugle. Only the tail piece that holds it between the pages was there, so it had to been removed. So telling the teller about those of us getting replacement Bugles won't work if we didn't get a ballot. confused.gif" border="0 <P>I have voted in every election since becoming a member and now read in the April issue that my wife can also vote. Sorry to have missed this one because I know several of the candidates. All good... <P>I too, enjoyed the '36 and '38 Buick articles as both sets of owners are good friends of mine... Great cars for great people. <P>Chuck #2586

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Guest Skyking

Are these votes going to be tallied up in Florida????? Oh Boy! we might have a long wait!

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Chuck -<BR>I have contacted Baker Press and authorized them to send you a new ballot. Anyone that wants to vote as badly as you most certainly deserves all the help we can provide! Thanks for you patience.<P>Ken Liska BCA #6396<BR>BCA Board Member

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