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52 Crosley problems keeping it running


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My 52 Crosley has some issues starting and usually gets going with a little extra spray from starter fluid.

The real problem now is that when coming to a stop sign or turn it dies as soon as I shift out of gear and begin braking.  Then to start, I choke it then open the carburetor back up.  It's done this intermittently in the past but tonight it happened at every stop sign and turn for the last couple rides.  Probably about 8-10 times.


Thanks in advance for any help!

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Sounds like a typical blocked idle jet. Happens a lot when cars are off the road for a while, especially small cars with small carburetors with fine idle passages. A quick cure is to blow out the idle passage. Carefully and gently turn the idle screw in until it bottoms counting exactly how many turns, or 1/4 turns it takes. Unscrew and remove it. Blow in the hole with a compressed air hose, can of compressed air or can of carburetor cleaner. Do not blast it, just give it 3 or 4 quick puffs. Put the screw back in, and back off to the same setting it had to begin with. Now the car should idle, if it doesn't work O well what did you lose? Then you may have to look farther to find the problem. Or even rebuild the carb.

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If Rusty's idea doesn't get you going I suggest one or both of these sites. Both are run by The Crosley Auto Club and have lots of experts willing to help out with your Crosley problems.


The message board you have to register for but it is free, the FaceBook page requires you to have a FaceBook account.


https://groups.io/g/Crosley-Gang  - Message Board
https://www.facebook.com/groups/102257470987/ - CROSLEY Automobiles...Fun little cars! FaceBook page


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