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Happy New Year to All!


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Well, 2002 has drawn to a close! At this time, I would like to thank all the people that make this great forum possible. The high point of my day, is stopping by to see what's happening. Sometimes, it is insightful. Sometimes, it is comical. And sometimes, it is controversial. But each time it is entertaining. I would also like to thank all the many members, and yes anonymous contributors, that take the time to help each other out. As we move into 2003, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes for you and your families to have a year filled with everything good that life as to offer. May your Reattas always be full of gas, its paint always shining, its new parts always easy to find, and its ABS functioning perfectly. Happy New Year. Howard

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Thank you and very, very well said. I would like to express the same and also thank everyone for their unselfish contributions, and especially those who have and still are helping me through my current problems. I hope to post that they are "history" real soon.


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Guest Reatta1

Same to you Howard and to all members and visitors. I sincerely hope the new year brings an end to some of the issues we've seen cause friction and new beginnings for all involved in this forum.

Carole and I wish peace and God's blessing on all throughout the coming year.

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