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Woodie Builders! rear window glazing question

Tom Boehm

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I am building the rear window/liftgate frame for my woodie.  Is it necessary to put a U shaped rubber channel in the rabbet that accepts the glass?  How is it on other woodies out there?

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The glass should not fit tight in the frame, on the other hand you don't want it to leak or rattle, so something has to take up the space. If you have any of the original wood left and can determine how big the original channel was, that would give you an idea of what was used. If you don't want to use a rubber channel you could glaze it in with something like silicone.

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On the original wood, the slot is wider than glass. I found an appropriate sized U shaped rubber strip in Restoration Specialties Catalog. Since my original post I have determined Ford woodies used a U shaped rubber strip here. Thanks for the response. 

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I am talking about my 1940 Lasalle woodie. Custom bodied in 1940. I have the original back window wood frame but the glass and any possible setting material was gone. I got some rubber U channel from Restoration Specialties. I have already designed and glued up the frame but I have not finished fine fitting it yet. 

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