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Guest Reatta1

Our Thanksgiving greetings to all also. Alf, whether it's cat or turkey, have a geat one.

ps: to any forum members so inclined, please pray for one of our kids who was just diagnosed with lung cancer

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Reatta1, I do not know what your real name is, or your families names, but your family is in our prayers. It's times like this that wake me up and realize that life is to short to be taking advantage of it. I truly wish that there was more I could do to help. Have a wonderful, safe, holiday weekend and may the Lord bless your family.

And to the rest of the Reatta forum, you guys also have a great, safe, holiday weekend. Don't eat too much turkey n' trimmin's! Remember: the Reatta is not exactly a big car and you will have to get back down into it!! I know, I have to live with it everyday! I'm 6 foot and weigh about 255 pounds, so keep me in mind when you go for that second piece of pie wink.gif

God bless all of you guys, you all are great!!!

P.S. ALF, careful with the feline dinner, furballs tend to make ya choke, and I don't want that to happen to ya!!

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REATTA1: JJ joins me in sending prayers, good thoughts and positive energy. And to all the Forum, a blessed and bountiful holiday. (And to CRUZIN: furballs are like marshmallows to us Melmacians. Nice thing about a drumstick is that it has little toothpicks attached to the end....)

<span style="font-weight: bold">ALF1</span> <span style="font-style: italic">(Who's proud and honored to be among this wunnerful bunch.)</span>

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Guest Reatta1

My name is Jim Stagl, my wife's name is Carole. It is her 41 year old son, my stepson. His name is Donald B. Gowey. At the age of 14 he sustained a severe head injury when a runaway trailer with a back hoe on it smashed into the side of their Suburban leaving him with brain damage. He has not had much of a life and this is a severe emotional strain on his mother. We appreciate all the good will and prayers offered by the membership. There aren't words enough to express our appreciation and thanks.

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Guest checkers

A happy thanksgiving to everybody in the forum from the cold and snowy northeast. And a special prayer for Reatta 1 step son Donald our thoughs are with you.

Regards Rob Eaton

88 blue/blue coupe

90 red/tan coupe

90 white/burgany convertble

96 burgany/gray Regal GS smile.gif

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Guest Copper81

Jim and Carole, our words can never express how much we all want Don to be well again but know that he is in the best of hands ... the "Light" will be shining down on him. Many prayers go his way as well as to the both of you. Please keep us posted.

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Hi Jim and Carole:

If it's not an intrusion, we'd like Donald's address so we, along with many other Forum members, can send him a 'get well' card as well as a Christmas card. We have a special person in our extended family, and know how much he enjoys getting mail. The Forum's thoughts and prayers are with you.

<span style="font-weight: bold">ALF1</span> and JJ

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Happy Thanksgiving to all. To Donald's family, my prayers and thoughts are with him and all of you. As to the rest of the forum, I really don't have a family or friends to spend the day with, but may I extend a simple prayer to your family and loved ones, that this day be a blessed one. Howard

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Dang it, Howard; if only we'd known. We would have loved for you to join us up here in Napa for the holiday. Incidentally, JJ's wife just got a ride in a 1913 Buick, which had stopped this morning on the way to a Buick event here in wine country. What a bear to crank!

<span style="font-weight: bold">ALF1</span> <span style="font-style: italic">(Looking forward to that feral stuffing!)</span> laugh.gif

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Guest Reatta1

Any one who wants to can send well wishes to him in care of us at,

28283 S.E. Church Road

Boring, Oregon 97009

I know his spirits will be lifted knowing he is being thought of and prayed for by so many good people. It especialy warms Carole's heart seeing the response to this challenge. Our appreciation and love goes out to all of you.

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