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black dash screen and error message

David White

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hopefully someone else has had this problem. I forgot and left the ignition key on , and the battery went dead. The next day I took the key out and charged the battery. Now when I start the Reatta the dash is black and there is an error msg on the screen, as well as it says electrical problem on the lower left hand side. The car runs fine, but it is still in my garage and i have not tried to drive it yet. Will this clear up once i start to drive it. Over the years have had several cars where the battery ran down as the lights were left on, and never had a problem just charging them back up again.

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Don't recall that exact problem with your sequence of events but the first thing I would try ...........with a full charge on the battery,  disconnect the battery then reconnect (like rebooting your computer)

Something in the ECM, BCM or cluster may not have switched on.

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yes Barney I did try and disconnect the Battery , and then hook it up again, I even crossed my fingers, but to no avail This did happen back in the summer once now that I think about it and once I pulled out of my garage and got a little bit down the road it cleared up, hmmm  maybe looking back that was just the beginning of my problems, but I do see that on the next page if i had of looked someone else had this problem, and there are some things to try    Thanks Barney 

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