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Oldsclub.org What's the deal?

Guest Parm

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Admittedly, I've not visited the OCA website in awhile. So, when I tried to bring it up this evening, I got some kind of intermediary service. Did OCA change website administrators? Do we have establish some type of login/password to get into the OCA website now? If so, how? Setting up a new account didn't seem to be very intuitive.

Some helpful insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

OCA Member

Muncie, IN

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Last I heard, com, org or net would access the site, but that may have changed.

To say that I am a little displeased with the site is being nice. Nothing ever gets updated- there's articles on there from 1999 and I know there's been stuff in JWO worthy of posting on the website since then.

I brought this up as a Director, and as usual was told by our immediate past president that I needed to shut up lest I offend someone who had worked hard and donated a lot of time for the club. To wit, one of his cronies.

The best thing that ever happened to the Oldsmobile Club of America was when he elected to not run again. He never worried about offending board members or general membership, and did so frequently. I have a stack of correspondence about that, not to mention personal experience.

The ASE Zone director position was the only one he directly addressed before he left office, saying in JWO that he was saddened that the incumbent (whom he appointed) was not re-elected and given a chance to really bring the ASE Zone to the top. That's where it <span style="font-weight: bold">was</span> during my term of office, and the reason the guy didn't get re-elected was because he never did anything. Never sent out any correspondence, never attended any chapter shows or meetings- not even the chapter that was based in his home city. Didn't even send the nine Chapters the new Zone Show guidelines and requirements, and as a result the 2002 Zone Meet host chapter got the rug pulled out from under them when they sent the show info to JWO for publication.

It's sad when you bust your ass for a group for ten years and then one person can make you say the hell with it all <img src="/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" /> .

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Glenn, tried org and it did not work. I agree with you about the website...I think they should pay someone and keep it fresh.

I am sick of politics in everything, especially a car club when it should not! I will leave my comments about officers past and present out of the public eye but I am disgusted by some actions from the recent past and present.

P.S. I am not talking about Steve

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  • 5 weeks later...

I hate to have to agree with you Rocketraider on this one. I have been a member of OCA and the RE Olds Chapter for years. Politics have entered into many facets of the club. It is a real shame to see it at the chapter level.

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