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I recently posted about how my 16v's convertible top had not been up in over 30 years, boasting how great shape it was in, etc.

Karma came around and killed my pride and hubris.

Less than 48 hrs after posting, a hurricane came up the east coast where I live. There was no flooding, but a lot of wind. 

One of those gusts detached a tree limb of  sizeable proportions, which fell on my TC.

Not just anywhere, it fell perfectly parallel to the body, slicing off the drivers side mirror with surgical precision.

No other areas were damaged, a few inches to the inside and I would be looking for a new top, windshield, or maybe a total.

Guess I was real lucky!!


Anyone got a spare mirror they can part with??




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  • 4 weeks later...

I want to give a special shout and THANK-YOU to Garnet & Gold for supplying me with the part I needed at No Cost!  Exact fit and color, makes my TC look new again!


It's great people like  this that make our club so special, and keep our cars running. 


Thank you, thank you THANK YOU!!!!

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