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There is this section on the AACA also that deals with just Reo .   https://forums.aaca.org/forum/91-reo/


I will put it on the Reo Club website for you . Maybe someone can help you out .


It is a good Club to join a lot of Members are at the annual Reo meet right now so it might slow down a reply .

Edited by Mark Gregory (see edit history)
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I received this reply if it helps .



If it is from a 4-cylinder Reo, he could ask his question on the following website:


REOfour is a web-based, email discussion group located within the Yahoo! 
domain. The group's purpose is listed on the REOfour Web Page at 
https://groups.yahoo.com/REOfour and repeated here: 

"This is the group for anyone interested in four cylinder REO cars built between 1910 and 1919. Although Ransom E. Olds declared the 1912 REO the Fifth to be "My Farewell Car," the model continued through the teens and proved itself to be an affordable, well built car.

If you are seeking information about four cylinder REOs, or have information to share, click the "Join" button and become a member of this group." 

The only rules of this site are:
- Be polite and respectful of the others in the group
- Always put you name and city at the end of each message.

So get started. Visit REOfour now.

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