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pulling engine from tranny


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alright i've successfully removed the engine w/ transmission from my '53 super.

i've got the engine still attached to the hoist but it along with the tranny are resting on jack stands (don't worry not on the oil pan or crank case)

but i do want to get my engine on it's stand so i can get to work on it. as stated in my previous post i CANNOT get the crankshaft to turn so i can remove the 3 bolts from the flywheel. i've removed one, but i can't get the flywheel to turn in order to remove the remaining two bolts. i put the crankshaft bolt back on and tried turning it that way, but it won't budge. i've also sprayed a crap load of wd 40 and pb blaster in the heads where the plugs go (the spark plugs are removed)

can anyone help?



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Take the valve covers off and remove the rocker shafts ( I've had some nailheads that would not turn because of stuck rockers on the shafts). If that doesn't work take off the heads...if there is rust in one of the cylinders you can focus your attention there. You can even take off the pan and start pushing out accessible pistons. Attach your chains to the motor mounts and be careful! This will be messy and not as conveniet as using your stand but do what you gotta do.


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I know its a pain but don't forget to take pictures!! It will come in real handy on reassembly if you are new at this. Get a couple of disposable cameras so you don't have to worry about the grease, oil etc. Just a thought.

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thanks brh,

good idea. i've been taking pictures since i first got her, but have kind of slacked off. it's easy to get into the work instead of the documentation. which if you've seen my website on her, you'll see i haven't updated since may! anyways, thanks for the reminder!


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I'm just guessing but I think the previous post wants you to get a long chisel and hit the head of the bolts at an angle that will loosen them. I have done this on stubborn part. Good suggestion actually. Just make sure the chisel is sharp on the end. Do not hit the bolts intending to break off the heads.

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I was able to remove the flywheel from the torque converter of my 364 using one of the 12 pt box ratchet wrenches made with the sheet metal sides and no offset.

If you can get the wrech on slip an open end wrench over the handle to turn it, I used tape to hold the 2 together.

Mine went one click at a time but the bolts came out without the use of a hammer.

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