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Car Donation


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Can anyone recommend a bonafide Charity that will accept a 1987 Dodge Colt in running condition. Been on the phone with several and most won't accept cars before 1990 or won't pick up in my area. I live in Central NJ and the car runs well but does need some work.

It was my son's car and he is now off to college.

Any help would be appreciated

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If you or anyone can think of it - that is exactly what I would like to do. I had a vision of some towing company making $100, the clearing house that does the paperwork making $100 and the charity making $1.50 on the sale. If it can be put to good use - all the better. Even clunkers like this one give me a sentimental nudge ( you know - the kid's first car and all)


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SCREW those charity organizations!!!! Find a kid or someone in your neighborhood needing a car and give it to HIM. Charity begins AT HOME!!!

For I AM the man with a BIG V8, better known as PackardV8.

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I had a similar situation with a 1985 Chrysler in very good shape. After try to give it to charities and no takers. My son then in high school had the answer; I gave it to the Prairie High School Foundation, which gave it to the high school auto shop to use as a learning tool.

They were happy to get it, they have many offers of rusted junk cars, but not running vehicles, which they can diagnose and dissect.

And the school foundation gave me a form for a charitable donation to a school.

We were both happy.

Just a thought.

Jack H.

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Definitely an option - but if the kid held a 501 3 c non-profit certification then I could deduct it as well!!! Know anyone? I am trying to recoup some of my kid's investment.

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Jack - That is an outstanding idea - didn't think of it because our local HS eliminated auto shop in the last budget cut. However there are several other schools in the county that I can check with. This is what makes this DF worth spending time on.


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I donated an old 1990 Dodge Spirit to the National Kidney Foundation ( http://www.kidney.org/funds/cars.cfm )

3 years ago in Pittsburgh. They only required the car be in one piece and that you hold title to it.

When I gave it to them the Dodge had 99K miles on it and a frozen transmission. The tow driver remarked to me that it was the best car he'd seen donated to the charity in two years. You might try them.

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About three years ago when my father-in-law passed away, we became the proud owners of a 1984 Ford Crown Vic wagon (what a tank). About two weeks after he passed away... so did the tranny in the Vic... tongue.gif WE wound up calling the American Heart Asso. and after a few pieces of paper exchanged hands, they sent a company out to pick 'Nellie bell" up. After they did a check up and rebuilt the tranny they gave it to a family that needed transportation but couldn't afford to purchase a car on their own. The also sent us an affadavit showing we donated the car and what it was worth so we could claim it on income taxes. smile.gif It would be worth a try to go to their website and try them.

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True charity is giving something away without looking for a tax deduction. Do something good for someone else and forget your self interest. You will feel better for it.


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Thank you for your suggestion ... I fail to see the "unchristian" aspect of trying to give to a charity AND taking advantage of a legal tax benefit at the same time. That way I will have extra cash when the collection plate comes around on Sunday.

Now returning to the original question - I have gotten some good advice so far and have pursued each and every suggestion - but still no luck.

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