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Is this BS or what?


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Ah, the myth of the 100 MPG carburetor just never dies, does it? It's a big oil company conspiracy to keep us buying oil and making them rich. Forget the fact that it's thermodynamically impossible to extract that much power from a gallon of fuel for a moment and just think logically about the situation.

Seriously, do you really think that a 4000+ pound car with a big V8 can pull 70+ MPG? Or a not so aerodynamic 4000 pound Grand Cherokee can pull 127 MPG? If so, would you be interested in some land in south Florida I have for sale?

Don't you think that if this were true, the first auto company to put it on the market would make a fortune? What if GM were suddenly able to make its trucks get 50 MPG or more without reducing power or payload, would you buy one? Of course you would. Everybody would, and they'd put Ford out of business in a month. And if the oil companies are somehow conspiring to keep these devices out of people's hands to get rich, why don't they simply conspire to raise prices instead? That's a much easier way to get rich, since everyone buys gas, but not everyone will buy this "miracle" carburetor.

And why are the inventors of these things always some toothless farmer with a bunch of non-science theories? If it were possible, don't you think the big brains at the auto companies would have figured this out already? Of course they would have, because such an invention would be a tremendous competitive advantage.

The people who believe in this stuff are the same suckers who buy the "Fuel Magnetizers" that align fuel molecules for more power, or who buy miracle oil treatments because they think that pouring teflon into their engines will make it magically bond to hot metal surfaces that rub against each other. As Barnum said, there's one born every minute. Don't be one of them.

So forget your conspiracy theories--there aren't a bunch of suits in some office somewhere scheming on how to rob us of our money by keeping Farmer Bob's miracle carburetor off the market. It just ain't so.

This is one of those myths that just refuses to die because people really want to believe in conspiracy theories...

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Actually, the theory is valid. Production may be a different set of dogs. Anytime you increase the surface area of a combustible substance, whether by pulverising as in coal or super-fine atomisation as in liquid fuels, efficiency and BTU extracted from the fuel increase exponentially <span style="font-weight: bold">up to a point</span> . Past that point it levels off. It is not possible to get 100% efficiency from any fuel, though pure elemental hydrogen comes close.

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Didn't mean to raise your hackles Mat, but at one time we said it was

impossible to fly to the moon!, but with "new" technology we flew to the

moon and back. We must try out "new" technology whether we believe in it

or not. How long did it take from the 1st "horseless" carriage before we

believed in it to become widespread? Yjat's what I meant by my last post on here to "Tomsriv" I know it is virtually impossible to get blood out of a

turnip but unless we keep trying new technology, whether it be from large

companies or the little man who stumbles on to a miracle we won't get

far. Thanks Loren

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No hackles raised, Loren. I just think these sorts of things are funny in the way they persist in lore and legend despite the complete lack of science or evidence. And I hate to think that some fellow enthusiast might be suckered into a scheme like this.

Take a look at that page and you'll see what I mean. He's hooked on conspiracy theories and the thought of oil companies killing inventors to protect their market. He doesn't have any real science.

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