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1931 Oil Slinger

Art B

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I'm assembling a 1931 "57" straight 8 engine.  The oil slinger (in front of the crank gear) has a key slot cut in it.  Is the key for the crank gear supposed to reach far enough to turn the slinger?  Mine doesn't and I wonder if it is broken or if the slinger is supposed to turn freely.

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Speaking in a general sense, it would make no sense for a slinger to turn freely, because it's whole purpose is to sling oil. It does not take any significant power to turn however, so having it keyed would be unnecessary. I would expect the other parts to stack up and hold it by clamping from the sides. Will it be clamped tightly when the crank pulley is in place? Is there another key the slinger has to pass to go on?

Edited by Bloo (see edit history)
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Yes it is a Buick.  I also felt it wouldn't sling much oil if it were not keyed.  I took the engine apart many years ago and stored all the parts.  They all were moved twice and with the passing years my memory has faded.  I am not sure I have the correct slinger or the correct key.  I'm pretty sure it is the correct key, but it may have been broken during disassembly.  I can't tell if the parts fit together tightly enough to turn the slinger without a mechanical attachment, because the timing cover blocks the view when it is all assembled.  Also, why would there be a keyway cut in the slinger if the parts just pressed together?  I am hopping someone has taken their engine apart recently enough that they can tell me for sure how the slinger turns.  When assembled the slinger seems to be located just in front of the key slot in the crank, so the key would have to have an extension on the front of it that rests on the crank.  This would make it a special made part and not a standard key, which doesn't seem logical.

Thanks for your interest so far. 

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Never having had a Buick engine apart this may not help.  If your slinger is the same style as  Pontiac, Olds and Cadillac (all three are the same except for diameter) the short key will probably catch the seal.  The tin part goes against the gear and the cork seal runs against the timing cover.  If yours is a different style I apologize for butting in.


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