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AOL thread in General Discussion

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Yes, in the past, we have generally restricted the forum to antique automobile topics only. Occasionally a somewhat related post has been allowed to remain when it did not violate any other forum rules. This one is clearly not something that we should allow to continue. I have hidden it now.


He initially posted it and I removed it shortly after. He then reposted it, I guess thinking that somehow he failed to post it. I decided to leave it long enough so that when it disappeared he would hopefully know that it was removed and hopefully not post it again. I have hidden it now.  

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The only problem that I see is his only desire is to complain about his AOL service. If you ask a question about any internet service provider, you will find people who will complain about it. I can't imagine how anybody can help him get better service from his ISP. He either has to deal with them or find another provider. There are plenty of ways to search for reviews of different ISPs online. I don't see how discussing it on the forum is going to help him. Please enlighten me if I have missed something.

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