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Looks like this forum is consistent with Olds Division...it's about dead. Almost every post in this forum goes unanswered. I frequent many automotive sites and this one is without a doubt the most lifeless. Maybe it IS your father's Oldsmobile. See ya.

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Nice attitude dude! This is new and not many are here yet. How many posts have you seen? This is going to take some time. Did you read Olds,Olds,Olds post at bottom? Most likely no ones been here yet that has the answer to your question.Did you register?Did you answer all the posted questions?GEE WIZ!

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You know, if GM didn't spend all this dough backing up Daewoo, they could have kept Oldsmobile. I rode in a friend's 1992 98 and I thought it was a grand car. I just don't know why they got rid of the 88 and 98. frown.gif" border="0

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Guest Skyking

They got rid of the 88 & 98 because stupid american people didn't want to ride in confort anymore. I had a 83 Olds 88 and it was one of the best and most dependable car I've ever owned. I sold that car with 140,000 miles on it and as far as I know it is still going strong in Orlando Florida.

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I was told that the new Olds were selling so much better after the increase in advertising that came after the crushing decision, that they stoped the advertising.<P>I do see alot of Intriges around , fewer Aleros. In the used department alot of people are driving those Cutlass Chalets or Sierras as well as lots of first gen.FWD 88's,98"s . There is also alot of those 80-85 Deltas still showing up. So I say Oldsmobile sold some cars somewhere.<P>I'll never understand or accept that decision. I believe GM management is planning this for other divisions.Why else is the Century - Regal the same car except for grills and lights? No 2dr version. We have the Impala and the 2dr. version the Monty Carlo. This is castration at its finest.Now the prodigy of the Buick heritage V6 is used for advertisement for the Impala. When did you see the last Buick or Oldsmobile commercial? Talk about dirty dogs!Hell thats a compliment dogs dont lie!

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I suspect that within 10 years, GM will be Chevrolet, Cadillac and GM Truck. No more Buick or Pontiac, both trucklines combined, and they'll see their market share decline even farther. As long as GM stuck to the Sloan Hierarchy, they did well. When they got into the cookie cutter business, and tried to sell zooted up Chevy Cavaliers as Cadillacs, that's when they pulled the rug right out from under themselves. I have no sympathy left for them. Ten years of Saturn, and still hasn't turned a profit, and they buy a floundering Korean company, and let their bread and butter fall butter side to the floor.

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I am just praying that Senor Lutz would do away with all the **** that goes on at GM. As far as I know, Saturn has never turned a profit, and we have Roger Smith to blame for that. His successors were clearly the worst of a bad lot. Plus, I have ascertained that GM's organizational structure is totally fubared. GM management does things that if Alfred Sloan or Donaldson Brown were alive today, they would hit the roof. Please Mr. Lutz, save GM. My other favorite car company(Chrysler) is in shambles now. Please don't let GM end up like DCX.

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One other thing- What happens to GM if the truck and SUV amrket by 2010 goes to h*** in a handbasket? I have three words for them at that time: "EL AGUA CALIENTE!"

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Well this discussion is new to me and I have a few oldsmobiles, Ill try to stop by here. But let me upset ya all. I just bought a new ACURA tl. It will blow the doors off any car in its class and then some. And It was cheaper than the slow v8 2002 Aorora. smile.gif" border="0

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Guest Skyking

Szaban, I,m glad you do own some American cars. But let's face it. If the Japs were building cars in my back yard, there're still foriegn cars. We can't keep making excuses for it. I never thought of owning a foriegn car, but since September 11th I know I will NEVER buy one.....

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This thing with Oldsmobile and Buick City and many other American industrys is sad,truely sad, so I agree on the buying foreign made products but everything is made everywhere but the U.S. Somehow someday the American citizens have got to go after our big dollar American brothers & sisters that are selling our assets and moving our businesses out of this once great country. Is this what the boys of the Revolutionary Wars died for? Is this what the boys that went to Europe to die saw for the future of American childern?<P>Many claim its expensive labor, but if expensive labor was hurting big businesses why is there so much overwhelming wealth in this country? If the construction industry was not booming right now there would be so many American people without work , well I cant even imagine what life would be like.Third world I suppose.<P>Problem is the folks that run the country(law makers) went to the same college of knowledge that the assest sellers went to.<P>It amazes me whats legal in this country. Where are all the flag wavers really? Did the President send troops into any of these factorys or plants to protect the lives and futures of the people left wondering what their future was? Maybe it doesnt matter because their not dead? Please tell me about American pride.

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Guest Skyking

People don't care about American pride. They are all living SHORT TERM. That means the hell with tomorrow, live for today only. When all manufacturing is gone in this country, people are going to say WHAT HAPPENED! I guess then they will finally wake up, because whatever manufacturing may exist here will be all foriegn owned. That's pretty bad to think that all who gave there lives for this country gave it up so that these foriegn countrys that they fought ended up with it any way.

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lets see plymouth went south and all the cars are now chrysler , so most of these are just renamed , jeep has lost its mark due to chryslers using there parts ( just cant get over all that plastic in them )<BR>now oldsmobile is going , but its cause they dont and haven't made a real rear wheel drive car in a while<BR>look out - does ford need mercury<BR> chevy need gmc<BR> buick need pontiac<BR>some how the imports keep growing<BR>I'll just stick with old<BR>america iron , and keep them from the crusher grin.gif" border="0

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