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They're baaacckkk !!


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The gremlins have returned !!  Today I heard my trunk solenoid spontaneously sporadically clicking, as if the devil herself was fingering my trunk button.    I started the car and the trunk popped open, the door locks went through a lock // unlock cycle by themselves.  The yellow ABS light came on and burned constantly.  Got to the store, went in, came out and started the car.   No more trunk solenoid opening the trunk on startup by itself or door lock cycling, and the ABS yellow light stayed off the entire trip back.    Recently I'd swapped out the ECM much to my delight as I now have full functions and no codes.   I remember when I'd initially described the intermittent rpm gauge / temp gauge displays' simultaneous narcolepsy, some suggested it was a bad IPC and I was reluctant to accept that and fortunately , and by some luck, I was correct.    So, now, I need to find perhaps a common denominator between the ABS light, and the thingy that controls the door locks and trunk solenoid.   I'm thinking BCM at this moment but admit I'm still 51% ignorant.   Hey, when I press the FOB on my keys and it sends an RF signal to the car to unlock the trunk, in which module is the radio receiver embedded ??  Is it the BCM that operates on that signal ??    Vielen Danke

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I just ran up to the store and back, that trunk latch solenoid was going off repeatedly, while the vehicle was in drive and traveling down the road, as if it is possessed.   Knowing morse code, I can state with full confidence that if it is space aliens trying to communicate with us, their message was un-discernable.

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I took Gorilla tape and put it over the outside trunk lock for both the Red and Black that were doing that as well. Doesn't do it anymore. I think moisture gets into the lock cylinder and as the switch is electrical trips it. Has worked for me...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The 91 getting towed out my driveway tomorrow has the same problem plus the dome light was also "haunted"

finally had to disconnect the battery. Then it was vandalized, etc etc. etc.


I did enjoy it for a few years but it wont be missed. Some of it will live on in a spare parts that will fit my 89 coupe.

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