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Clum 4 point 12v lighting switch


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Anyone have info on these units?

All wired up (yes correctly), and I noticed strange things happening.

First, the headlights do not dim in the DIM position

Second, in the PARK position, the cowl lights stopped working (yes they worked for a hot minute) and the headlights go on.


The lock never worked but I'm ok with that for now.

Also, it used to switch smoothly but now it's getting stuck.

I noticed the sticking started AFTER the above issues.


Any thoughts?



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As for lights not dimming you blame that on the bulb manufacturers......all of them.

The filaments are oriented in the wrong directions.

This is common complaint among Model T owners as well and as I own both I have the same problem as you all around....... :angry:

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I expect after all those years there could be some worn contacts inside the switch but it's easier to first check  that all the lights have good, solid, grounds.

A very easy way to check that is to grab a length of wire with stripped ends, turn on the lights and use the wire to go from a clean surface on each light (a bezel maybe) to a good ground.

I had to yank the headlights on mine for that very reason.

Once I got a good ground they work perfectly.


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I had similar problems.  The cause was the length of the terminal screws fouling the contact plate.  These were made for the original thick terminals.  Modern terminals are thinner - hence the fouling.  Cure is to shorten the screws or fit washers under the terminals - easy. 

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