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Hello Everyone,<BR>I hope all of you enjoy this website, I try to add to it weekly and improve upon it. As you have probably noticed, there are no flashing ads trying to sell you anything, no money whatsoever has been generated by this website, which it has never been our intention to make money off of this. Like owning, collecting and restoring Studebakers, it's purely a labor of love. We also receive no club money on the local or national level. The monthly cost to run this site comes soley out of my pocket, which is $40 per month. Which brings me to my point, I will be placing a section on the "Home Page" listing everyone who donates a months worth of the cost to run the site. I only need twelve "Sponsors", so if anyone feels so incline, please contact me and let me know if you would be interested.<P>Thanks, ASC Webmaster.

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As I look at these pages almost every day or so, I will sponser one month.<BR> Please email me your address and how you would like the check made out.<BR> Thanks for the site!<BR> George <BR>georgr@ptd.net<P>------------------<BR>George Rohrbach<BR>Visit my Web site<BR>HIGHSPEED MOTORS, Your local Studebaker Dealer of THE 20's, 30's And 40's<BR>http://www.highspeedmotors.com<BR>

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