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I own a classic car and am trying to find out how to rent it out for a movie. Does anyone know who to contact? I have searched for a company called movie world with no success so far and thought one of you might know who to contact? Thanks.<P> jimn@loebequipment.com cool.gif" border="0

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There was an ad in "Old Cars Weekly" a few weeks back that was seeking to register old cars for rental purposes. You might have them research their ads for a contact.

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Hi Jim:<P>Check out these folks:<P><BR><A HREF="http://carsinamerica.com/html/register.html" TARGET=_blank>Classic Car Movie Rental</A><P>and<P><A HREF="http://www.movievehicles.com/mvc.htm" TARGET=_blank>Movie Vehicles.com</A><P>And here's a listing of companies that rent cars to the movies, including many on the east coast:<P><A HREF="http://www.rasource.com/carsprop.htm" TARGET=_blank>Prop Cars</A><P>(I've not used any of these)

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BE CAREFUL! I've read the horror stories of people who rented their cars to the movies only to have them returned dented and damaged. Perhaps the worst story was a few years back when a gentleman rented his 100% original 1940's era car. It was returned weeks later with a damaged transmission/clutch and re-painted (very poorly) in a different color. The production company was completely unrepentant, with an attitude something like the original Animal House movie when D-day takes the torch to Flounder's brother's Lincoln... "You f'ed up, you trusted us". <BR>Get everything in writing, make sure they have enough insurance, find out who gets to drive your car and consider requiring a bond if your car is really valuable.

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Guest 40LUV

Don't do it. They made a movie near my town and wanted old cars for it. I was happy to get my car in it until they parked us by a golf course and my car took a direct hit from a tee off. Put a small golf ball sized dent in the roof and had to get the entire roof repainted to fix it. Also had to fight with the old car booking guy since he was trying to only about half the cost of the repair. Someone else had a nice '52 Ford that one of the production trucks backed into and smashed the grill. The truck driver said "sorry" and drove away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One other thing about renting your car to get a cash reward, my insurance co. - Hagerty told me in no way would I be allowed to take money or gifts to show my car. I had the oppertunity to have the car in a static display for a weekend at a new shopping center and I called the insurance co. to make sure I was covered - I was told I was not covered.

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