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Hydr-lectric firewall-pump gor 52 Buick Conv. - 6 Volt

Guest lupocamino

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Guest lupocamino

Hi friends,

having bought my 52 Super Conv. this spring I am now trying to re-install the original 6 Volt firewall-pump. The seller had replaced it with a 12 Volt pump which was separately energized by an isolated 12 Volt battery. This battery needs to be charged manually time-by-time ---> not a solution for me.

I have the original 6 Volt pump but it is in parts and I do not know if it works and according to the shop-manual there are missing some parts.

Who can help me (either by giving me an address where to get parts or by offering a complete new/used pump) ???

Very many thanks in advance,

Wolfgang from Germany

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Guest lupocamino

Hi Dave,

many thanks for this info. These guys could sell me a new aftermarket-pump. The only problem: the price is quite high. In case I could get a used pump I think I would prefer this just to make one working pump out of two elder ones.

In case this will not work I have to ask my government (= my wife) if I can borrow some Euros to finance the offered new pump.

I will see...

once again many thanks,


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Guest lupocamino

Hey Dave, please help me,

I was trying Ebay but there was no success. Maybe my searching is wrong?

In case Ebay could solve my problem, I would be happy,


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Guest lupocamino

Hi Dave,

you're wonderful, this helps me a lot and I have learned a new gimmick in Ebay.

Now I have the chance to get informed additionally to my active searching, great!!! Once again thanks, now I can go to bed peacefully (it's 10.15 pm here in Germany),


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Guest 42buickman

I have a couple of 6 volt pumps, don't know if they work or not, but, they're complete. $50.00 each plus shipping. Thanks, Paul

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Guest lupocamino

Hi Paul,

I am interested in your pumps.

Could you please send me some pics of them so I can check if they match with my old one?

I have submitted you my data in an private message.

Many thanks in advance,


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Did you find a pump? I was shopping today and came across this. A bit pricey, I've good good experiences with these guysOld Buick Parts - CARS. Inc.

[TABLE=class: productListing, width: 100%]

<tbody>[TR=class: productListing-odd, bgcolor: #F8F8F9]

[TD=class: productListing-data, align: center] tp463.png[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data] TP463-1[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data] Firewall Pump 1946-53 Buick 6 Volt[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data, align: right] $787.00[/TD]


[TR=class: productListing-even, bgcolor: #F8F8F9]

[TD=class: productListing-data, align: center] tp534.png[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data] TP534-1[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data] Firewall Pump 1953-60 Buick 12 Volt[/TD]

[TD=class: productListing-data, align: right] $787.00[/TD]



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Guest lupocamino

Hi James,

many thanks for your infos. I have already seen this offer. As you mention, it is a little bit expensive....

I thought, in case I would buy two pumps from Paul (42buickman) I could take my old one plus these two an try to make one out of three. According to the former owner in my pump is a diaphragm destroyed. I think a diaphragm is most of the times made out of flexible material, mostly rubber. I am afraid, that maybe also in the pumps of Paul there could be the same problem.

Do you have any experiences about this?

Once again many thanks for your help.

With best regards from Germany,


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I don't have experience with that pump. For '55 only the convertibles got those pumps. My hardtop has all electric windows and seats as opposed to electric/hydraulic.

As far as diaphragm pumps; you are correct that, the flexible material will eventually breakdown... It seems they breakdown more often when NOT used regularly.

Certainly, with three pumps you could make one that works...

If the diaphragm cannot be had; perhaps, one could be fashioned from suitable material...

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Guest lupocamino

Hi James,

I think you are right. I think I really will try to get three pumps (including my old one) and make one out of it. In case it still will not work I shall contact a hydraulic-specialist here to let him design a new diaphragm,

I hope that Paul can sell me two complete pumps,

have a happy Sunday,


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Guest lupocamino

I think you're too humble <label for="rb_iconid_14">icon14.png</label><label for="rb_iconid_14">icon14.png</label><label for="rb_iconid_14">icon14.png</label>

but I like it,


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Guest lupocamino

Hi Dave,

you will not believe, I have found a old one here in Germany, just by chance, it's incredible.

I am not sure if it will match to reassamble one working out of this and my old one, but I try. Wish me good luck so that I can soon again make the convertible roof work and enjoy the rest of the summer....

with best regards and again very many thanks for all your support,


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