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Trying to determine the approximate age of an Oklahoma Will Rogers Turnpike ticket stub we found under the seat of a '49 Town & Country. Not dated but is an IBM punch card. Any clues? We're guessing 1970's or earlier being as it's a computer punch card? Ticket # 83184

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Guest Bob Call

Will Rogers Turnpike is I44 from the Oklahoma-Missouri state line to its intersection with US412 and Oklahoma 66, originally US66, at Catoosa, OK, just east of Tulsa. Roughly paralles old US66. Punch cards were used in 50's and 60's. Might be able to narrow it down more if you post the toll rates shown on the card.

This and all other toll roads in the state are operated by the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.

Edited by Bob Call (see edit history)
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Not sure if the numbers shown on the stub are rates or mileage. The car entered the pike at Tulsa and drove thru Claremore 020, Big Cabin 070, Vinita 085, Afton 110, Miami 130 and to State Line 160. I suppose a quick loook at a road map might determine if the numbers refer to fees or miles. "Restaurant and Filling Station service 24 hours a day".

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Guest Bob Call

I believe the numbers are the toll fees in cents. For example the distance from the Tulsa entrance (Catoosa, OK) to Miami, OK, exit is about 74 miles.

At about this same time period the other turnpike, Roy J Turner, from Tulsa to Oklahoma City, approximately 107 miles had a toll fee of $1.40.

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