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August 10th Car show in Minnesota

dan at larescorp

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I had mentioned to a few people about the car show I host every year. Here are the details for whoever may be interested.

Dan's Annual Car-B-Q

855 South Cleveland

Cambridge, MN 55008

Show starts at 10:00am

This year it will be held at the Lares Corporation Building.

It is a family friendly show. We do ask that you do not touch any of the cars unless you have the owners permission.

Any and all are welcome.

There will be a people's choice best of show award for those who enter.

We will have burgers, and hotdogs on the grill. There will also be pop, water, and other non-alcoholic beverages available.

If you have any questions please feel free to PM me.

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Please bump this post again a week or so before the show.

I would like to be there, maybe with my Select 60 or my '40 Olds Coupe or my '63 Corvette or my GTO or ------


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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to come from up in Canada, it is a 12 hour drive and ill probably have to spend the night somewhere. I figured this is the closest I can get to multiple Reatta owners (since they dont show up here often) Im driving from Regina, Sk and would like if possible to be able to spend a day/night somewhere if possible (maybe 2). I dont require food or drink, just a couch or air mattress would be great and much appreciated.

Basically I am coming for the cars, the people, and some parts. Having to stay in a hotel is a big expense and cheap places makes me cringe.. Anyway, I am open to any ideas or concerns you have in this matter. I can supply all info needed. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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