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Chrome polish test

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I heard about Quick-Glow while following another thread. I watched Jay Leno's youtube video on it. I thouhgt it looked to good to be true, but I decided to buy some and test it anyway.

I tested Quick-Glow original for the first time on my 1930 Buick headlight bucket.

The chrome under the flange has been protected since 1930.

Judge for yourself. I think the result was incredible!

1) I put Quick-Glow on a clean paper towel and polished in one direction for 20 seconds.

2) I buffed in one direction with a clean paper towel for 10 seconds.

I should have added that I only cleaned a 2" wide vertical strip. Everything to the left of my elbow (in the reflection) is untouched.



Edited by Dwight Romberger
clarification (see edit history)
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